【西班牙】 Alvaro Alfaro Ruiz-Alverdi



My name is Álvaro, I am 26 years old and I am from Spain.


Although I have lived in China for only 2 years I am very familiar with it because I have lived in many different places. I came originally to learn Chinese in Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, where I stayed for one semester. After that, I moved to Taipei and kept studying Chinese at Taiwan National University. When I finished my course in Taiwan, I started working as an English teacher at a 中学 in Northern Shaanxi but I stayed there only for one semester. My next stop was Handan, in Hebei Province. After all that, I decided that I wanted to get to know better Southern China because I am not very familiar with Guangdong and surroundings.


Every time I had a holiday I took advantage of it and went traveling. I have traveled a lot around Asia: South Korea, Taiwan Island, many parts of China, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, and Cambodia... Traveling is my most important hobby but I also love films and I love to watch Asian films.


I am just 26 years old so I do not feel like I have any advice for the students; I am just a little bit older than them. But I would like to encourage them to go abroad and understand the world outside China, which is so different.






    我只有26岁,暂时对我的学生还没有太多的建议,因为我年龄仅比他们大一点点,但是我会鼓励他们出国,去了解中国以外的世界,是多么的不同。(国际合作与交流中心 陈惠斯供稿)
时间:Oct 21, 2013 9:35:00 AM   
