


It seemed to Rudolph that the lighthouse keeper was entirely aware of all the sounds of the storm and of its violent impact upon the lighthouse, but he knew them so well that he did not have to think about them: they were like the involuntary movements of his own heart and blood. In the same way, beneath the simple courtesy that made him speak and listen to his guest in specific ways, he was already calmly and mysteriously a part of him, as surely as the mainland was connected with the little island, and all the islands with one another, so commodiously, under the ocean.

Gradually Rudolph drew forth the sparse data of the old man’s life: He had been born in this very lighthouse eighty-three years before, when his father was the lighthouse keeper. His mother—the only women he had ever known—had taught him to read the Bible, and he read it daily. He had no other books.

As a musician, Rudolph had not had time to read much either—but then, he had lived in cities. He reached down and took his beloved violin out of its case.

What do make with that, Sir?” the old man asked.

For a second Rudolph thought his host might be joking; but the serenity of the other’s expression reassured him. There was not even curiosity about the instrument, but rather a whole interest in him, the person, that included his “work”. In most circumstances Rudolph would have found it hard to believe that there could exist someone who did not know what a violin was; yet he had no inclination to laugh. He felt small and inadequate.

I make—music with it,” he stammered in a low voice.

 “Music,” the old man said ponderously. “I have heard of it. But I have never seen music.”

One does not see music. One hears it.”

Ah, yes,” the lighthouse keeper consented, as it were, with humility. This too was in the Nature of Things wherein all works were wonders, and all things were known eternally and were poignant in their transiency. His wide grey eyes rested upon the little fiddler and conferred upon him all the importance of which any individual is capable.

Then something in the storm and the lighthouse and the old man exalted Rudolph, filled him with compassion and love and spaciousness infinitely beyond himself. He wanted to strike a work of fire and stars into being for the old man. And, with the storm as his accompanist, he stood and began to play—the Kreutzer Sonata of Beethoven.

The moments passed, moments that were days in the creation of that world of fire and stars; abysses and heights of passionate struggle, the Idea of Order, and the resolution of all these in the greatness of the human spirit. Never before had Rudolph played with such mastery—or with such an accompanist. Waves and wind beat the tower with giant hands. Steadily above them the beacon blazed in its sure cycles of darkness and light. The last note ceased and Rudolph dropped his head on his chest, breathing hard. The ocean seethed over the island with a roar as of many voices.

The old man had sat unmoving through the work, his broad, gnarled hands resting on his thighs, his head bowed listening massively. For some time, he continued to sit in silence. Then he looked up, lifted those hands calmly, judiciously, and nodded his head.

Yes,” he said, “That is true.”











此时此刻,暴风雨,这座灯塔,还有这位老人,一起猛然激发了鲁道夫的艺术创作热情,他登时感到心中充满大爱,心潮澎湃, 不能自已。他就想为这位老人打造一部烈火与星辰交相呼应的旷世精品。于是,他站起身来,将暴风雨当作自己的伴奏师,开始演奏贝多芬的克鲁泽奏鸣曲。


